School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearing for Special Actions Regarding Students - 4:00 p.m.

August 20, 2009 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
1. Attendance


Present: Carol Studdard, District 2; Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3; Frank Farrell, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District 5.  Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present. 

Carol Vallencourt, District 1, was not present.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of Workshop/Special Meeting on 07/09/09, Disciplinary Hearing & Regular Meeting on 07/16/09 and Special Meetings on 07/20/09 & 08/03/09
Attachment: Minutes - 07-09-09 - Workshop.pdf
Attachment: Minutes - 07-16-09 - Disciplinary.pdf (Confidential Item)

Attachment: Minutes - 07-16-09 - Regular.pdf
Attachment: Minutes - 07-20-09 - Workshop.pdf
Attachment: Minutes - 08-03-09 - Special Meeting.pdf
School Board Attorney

3. C-2 Settlement Agreement with Sharon Tetrick
Deputy Superintendent

4. C-3 Advertise amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-6.81 Responsibilities for Student Transportation Services
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 6 81 Responsibilities for Student Transportation Services.pdf
5. C-4 Advertise new CCSB Policy 6GX-10-2.35 Anti-Fraud
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 2.35 Anti-Fraud - 08-20-09.pdf
6. C-5 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes 2009-10
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Current Backup August 20 2009 (2).pdf
Human Resources

7. C-6 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 8-20-09.pdf

8. C-7 Grant(s) Approval
Attachment: August 2009 Grant Approval.pdf
9. C-8 Contract for Tutorial Services for Private Schools Participating in Title I Services
Attachment: Contract for Services.doc
10. C-9 Memorandum of Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and the Baker County Health Department regarding the Baker County Mobile Dental Bus
Attachment: Dental Van Attachments 09-12.pdf
Attachment: Dental Van 09-12.pdf
11. C-10 Interagency Agreement for Cost Sharing Expenses between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center
Attachment: CBHC PECO.pdf
12. C-11 Memorandum of Agreement between the Clay County Health Department and the School Board of Clay County regarding School Health Services
Attachment: CCHD MOA.pdf
13. C-12 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center regarding Outreach Services
Attachment: CBHC ARRA.pdf
14. C-13 Co-Enrollees List for July, 2009
Attachment: Co-Enrollee List for July 2009.pdf (Confidential Item)
15. C-14 FLVS VIP (Florida Virtual School - Virtual Instruction Program) Contract
Attachment: Clay County District Contract 2009-2010 with Florida Virtual School .pdf
16. C-15 Contract between Clay Behavioral Health Center and the School Board of Clay County regarding Substance Abuse Prevention Education
Attachment: CBHC Health Educator.pdf
17. C-16 FLVS (Florida Virtual School) Franchise Contract
Attachment: Clay County Franchise.pdf
18. C-17 Revision to the Policies and Procedures for the Provision of Specially Designed Instruction and Related Services for Exceptional Students (SP&P).
Attachment: SPP List of Revisions.pdf
Attachment: 2009 SPP - REVIEWED (Clay) (2).pdf
Attachment: SP&P Signature Page.pdf
19. C-18 Advertise amendments to the Student Progression Plan for 2009-2010
Attachment: Student Progression Plan-2009-2010-Updates.pdf
Business Affairs

20. C-19 Monthly Property Report - July, 2009 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-July, 09.pdf
21. C-20 Monthly Property Report - July, 2009 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-July, 09.pdf
22. C-21 Monthly Property Report - July, 2009 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-July, 09.pdf
23. C-22 Monthly Property Report - July, 2009 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-July, 2009.pdf
24. C-23 Deletion of Certain Items Report - August, 2009
Attachment: Deletion Report-August, 09.pdf
Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachments)-August, 09.pdf
25. C-24 Warrants and Vouchers for JULY, 2009
Attachment: Warrants and Vouchers July, 2009.pdf
26. C-25 Bid Renewals August 2009
Attachment: 8_20_09 Release Letter for Bid 09-F-296.pdf
Support Services

27. C-26 Final Completion to Install an Additional Chiller at Ridgeview High School
28. C-27 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List, 8,20,09.pdf
29. C-28 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchase) to Install A Lightning Protection System at Ridgeview High School
Attachment: RHS.CO1.pdf
30. C-29 Additive Change Order 2 for Orange Park High School Building 12 Air Handler, Light Fixtures and Ceiling Replacement
Attachment: CO 2, OPH Air Handler.pdf
31. C-30 Additive Change Order 1 for Orange Park High School Building 1 Downspout Renovation
Attachment: CO 1, OPH Renovate Down Spouts.pdf
32. C-31 Substantial and Final Completion of Clay High School Duct Board Replacement Building 2 (Phase III)
Attachment: Sub Completion, CHS Duct Board Replace.pdf
Attachment: Final Completion, CHS Duct Board Replace.pdf
33. C-33 Additive Change Order 2 for Green Cove Springs Junior High School Restroom Renovation (Phase II)
Attachment: CO 2, GCSJH Restroom Renovation.pdf
34. C-34 Facility Lists for PK-5 Elementary and 6-8 Junior High Schools
Attachment: 8,20,09 k-5 Elem Fac List.pdf
Attachment: 8,20,09 6-8 Jr High Fac List.pdf
35. C-35 Revised Project Priority List (P.P.L.) to Identify Eligible Projects for C.O. & D.S. Expenditures
Attachment: Revised PPL 8.09.pdf
36. C-36 Substantial Completion of Coppergate Elementary School Athletic Field Drainage System
Attachment: CGE Athletic Field Substantial Completion.pdf
37. C-37 Substantial and Final Completion of Lakeside Junior High School Buildings 1, 2, & 3 Re-Roof
Attachment: LJH Bldgs 1,2,3 Re-Roof Substantial.Final.pdf
38. C-38 Additive Change Order #1 for Clay High School Fire Alarm Replacement
Attachment: CO 1 Clay Fire Alarm.pdf
39. C-39 Additive Change Order #7 for OakLeaf High School
Attachment: CO 7 OHS.pdf
40. C-40 Deductive Change Order #6 (Direct Purchasing) for OakLeaf High School
Attachment: CO 6 OHS.pdf
41. C-41 Deductive Change Order #2 for Lakeside Junior High School Buildings 1, 2, & 3 Re-Roof
Attachment: CO 2 LJH Bldgs 1,2,3 Re-Roof.pdf
42. C-42 Spot Educational Plant Surveys
Attachment: Spot Survey, AES.pdf
Attachment: Spot Survey, POE.pdf
Attachment: Spot Survey, OLJH.pdf
43. C-43 Substantial Completion of District Ancillary Facility Blanding Entry Phase
Attachment: Substantial Completion District Ancillary Blanding Entry.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
44. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items

Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of item C32 which was moved to Discussion and Human Resources Special Action Item "C" which was withdrawn.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
45. Concert on the Green Winners - Joy Myers


Concert on the Green Winner, Maya Akers performed "I Feel Pretty".

Donna Wissinger, performed on the flute and provided information on the "Artz Out Loud" program.

Scheduled Citizen Requests
46. Thomas Pentz, CEO Orange Park Medical Center - Scholarship Contribution

Minutes: Mr. Thomas Pentz, CEO of Orange Park Medical Center was not present at this meeting.

Discussion Agenda
School Board Attorney

47. Evaluation Instrument for School Board Attorney
Attachment: CCSB - Attorney Evaluation - Guidelines.pdf
Attachment: CCSB - Attorney Evaluation - Supt & Board.pdf

Approve item as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Carol Studdard
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Deputy Superintendent

48. Public Hearing - Amendments to CCSB Policy 6GX-10-4.58 Use of Telecommunications & Network: Terms & Conditions, and 6GX-10-4.59 Technology Services
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 4.58 Use of Telecommunications & Networks Terms & Conditions.pdf
Attachment: CCSB - Amendment 4.59 Techonology Services.pdf
Minutes: The public hearing was held, with no one present to speak to this item.

Approve amendments to CCSB Policy 4.58 and 4.59 as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Human Resources

49. Human Resources - Special Action "B"
Attachment: HR Special Action B - 8-20-09.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

50. Human Resources - Special Action "C"
Attachment: HR Special Action C 8-20-09.pdf (Confidential Item)
Minutes: This item was withdrawn.
51. Human Resources - Special Action "D"
Attachment: HR Special Action D 8-20-09.pdf (Confidential Item)

Approve the action as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Business Affairs

52. Annual Review of CCSB Policy 5.08 Food & Nutrition Services, E. Employee & Student Wellness
Attachment: CCSB - Wellness Policy Review.pdf
Minutes: Employee & Student Wellness policy was briefly reviewed by Dr. George Copeland.

Approve current policy as submitted.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

Support Services

53. C-32 (Connell) Additive Change Order 1 for Clay High School Building 2 Duct Board Replacement (Phase III)
Attachment: CO 1, CHS Duct Board Replace.pdf
Minutes: Jim Connell, Director of Facility Planning & Construction provided a handout of the corrections and explained the changes to this item.

Approve the change order, with corrections provided and explained by Jim Connell, Support Services- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Lisa Graham
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

54. Review Tentative Educational Facilities Plan
Attachment: Edu Fac Plan 2009-10.pdf

Jim Connell, Director of Facility Planning & Construction presented handouts to the Board and briefly clarified information in the Tentative Educational Facilities Plan.   OakLeaf High School is the only school in the Plan for this year.  The next school, if needed,  would be Elementary "R" in the Green Cove Springs area.  Final approval of the plan will be 9/17/09. 

Tom Moore, Chief Information Officer, explained the extra burden on technology funding due to DOE required "on-line" testing and aging PC lab equipment in schools.  Currently 49%  (7,421) of PCs are older than 5 years and by the end of this year 62% (9,722) will be older than 6 years.  Parts cannot be obtained for these older machines.

Review only-
Vote Results

Presentations from the Audience
55. Speaker

Minutes: Lea Rhoden, thanked the Board for voting on the .25 mill levy and spoke on behalf of teachers' salaries.

Superintendent Requests
56. Open School Campuses vs. Fenced Campuses


Superintendent Wortham requested feedback from the Board on the concept of "open" school campuses for after school and community access on weekends.  The Board indicated its preference to allow the campuses to be open after hours and weekends.  If vandalism should increase then the school, on a case-by-case basis, would notify the parents and secure the campus.

Mr. Elliott explained the procedures in place for school campuses and the agreements we have with county sponsored organizations since 1996.

57. Request for Approval of an Emergency Action

Minutes: For the welfare of the school district and the public, the Board approved a motion to declare an emergency due to the physical inability of Carol Vallencourt to attend meetings at a time when her presence is critically needed.  This declaration allowed further consideration of a motion to allow her attendance by electronic media. 

Approve request for emergency item and action.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

58. Participation in Board Meetings via Electronic Media


The Board approved Carol Vallencourt's attendance and participation, by electronic media, in all future Board meetings which she is physically unable to attend beginning September 17, 2009. 

Approve participation in School Board Meetings via electronic media.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Lisa Graham
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Charlie VanZant- Aye

59. Proposed OakLeaf High Boundaries


Superintendent Wortham informed the Board of a committee of staff/principals coming together on October 2nd to begin the process of establishing the zone for the new OakLeaf High School and amendments to the boundaries for other high schools.

School Board's Requests
60. Update


Mr. Farrell reported on a meeting of the NE Florida School Board Coalition in St. Augustine. Legislative updates concerning items that didn't pass the last Legislative session but may be revisited in the next session are: 1) Increase in graduation standards; 2) Raising the FCAT level; 3) Eliminating the professional service contract; 4) Class Size Amendment; and 5) Governor's desire to see 30 minutes a day dedicated to physical education.

Mrs. Graham inquired about road construction in the OakLeaf area for the Brannenfield-Chaffee overpass.  Jim Connell provided updated information to the Board.

Mr. Van Zant provided current legislation information on the GED Exit Option.

61. School Board Attorney Request

Minutes: Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, requested a private meeting with the School Board, according to Florida Statute 286011, sub paragraph 8, which allows meeting out of the sunshine.  Meeting is requested at the end of the School Board meeting in September to discuss pending litigation, strategies, settlement issues and liability issues.

Attorney's Requests
Adjournment (9:00 p.m.)

Ben Wortham, Superintendent

Charles Van Zant, Jr., Chair